Date: 2022-04-08
Speaker: Kaushik Mukherjee
The Department conducted one Outreach Program by Mr. Koushik Mukherjee (practitioner in High Court) for all the students of the 3rd and 5th Semester on the topic "Legal Literacy" to understand the legal system of our country and also how they can pursue a career in the legal field.

- to get deep a understanding of the legal system of our country
- to help students with their legal system-oriented syllabus
- to understand how students can pursue a career in the legal field.
- The outreach program was an attempt to not only understand the aspect of the Legal system, which is related to 3rd Semester and 5th Semester honours student's syllabi.
- The students were able to have a clear understanding of the laws regarding women's safety.
- But also to understand how they can pursue a career for themselves in the Legal field.